


Start your company off right with our effective PPC advertising

Among digital marketing firms, Animakermedia is ranked in the top. Our PPC experts are among the best in the market and have a proven track record of expanding prosperous companies while balancing performance with great customer care.
We can more quickly and accurately examine data thanks to our exclusive tools. Our reporting is thorough and comprehensive, which aids in the discovery of useful information. We are experts at locating your target market and devising strategies for reaching them. We have assisted numerous companies in scaling leads and lowering lead acquisition expenditures.

Utilize PPC marketing that is creative, effective, and adaptable to dominate your competitors.

Your clients’ searching and advertising campaigns are created and managed by our PPC team, so you get all the glory and none of the hassle.
That appears to you as follows:

You require a competent provider for tasks more than PPC

Integrate Animakermedia as a partner in fulfilment or as a full-service digital marketing firm into your company.


From preparation and plan through carrying out and continuous improvement. Call us to handle everything or only the areas you need our assistance with.


Animakermedia assists clients in directing their Ads toward their objectives

We assist our clientele in connecting with their customers on the most effective paid platforms, such as Facebook and Google Ads.

We’ve managed PPC budgets totaling millions of dollars over the years, and we’ve discovered what creates a successful partnership between a consumer and their PPC agency.

Our PPC management approach is centered on what produces the best results for our clients while maintaining the highest level of clarity.

Providing Ultimate Business Solutions

The following ad platforms are covered by our PPC
management program served at Animakermedia:


The cost of  Animakermedia’s PPC management solutions is fairly transparent. In addition to a monthly management fee of expenditure, we offer a one-time account setup fee that varies depending on the condition of the account we’re enrolling.

Optimization For Better Conversions

Leads and/or sales are what matter, not visitors, views, click-through rate (CTR), or any other meaningless vanity number. We only focus on Goals that your company is aware of and values.


Account Executive

Each client has a specific point of contact that attends weekly or monthly calls, offers weekly updates, answers any queries in less than 24hrs, and is available whenever questions arise.


Simple Partnerships

Our PPC agreements are month-to-month and can be terminated with 30 days’ notice. The greatest way to keep a client is to produce an amazing service, not tie them up in a lengthy contract, in our opinion.


Organic Reporting

We spare you the technical jargon and only report on the objectives and goals of your business that matter to your company. We’re willing to talk shop unless you want to geek out.


No Autopilot

Depending on the expenditure rate, we actively monitor programs on a daily and/or weekly basis. This guarantees that our PPC managers are constantly monitoring the performance and acting fast to fix.


No Silos

Our complete digital marketing department at Animakermedia, specifically our digital marketing, conversion optimization (CRO), and search engine marketing teams, are supported by our PPC campaign.

Work with us

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When do they work well, and when do they on us and finally, when do we actually need how can we avoid them.

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